mtg asia
Serving Screen Content Buyers and Sellers since 1985

Email Services.  We get your important message to exactly the buyers or sellers that you need to reach!

The Estimate
Tell us about the contacts that you need to reach: Activity, Territories, Genres, Media and Markets Events Attended.

The Query We will match your criteria with contacts in our continuously updated Database --and provide you with a Free Estimate.

Payment Ready to go?  We'll send you an invoice.  You can pay via credit card in most countries (via PayPal), check or wire transfer.

The Template You send us the text of your email message, along with any graphics.  We create the email template and submit it for your approval.

The Transmission We transmit your emails, and  provide a Print-Out containing the country, company and the individual to whom the message was sent.
Custom Email Services  Choose our graphics driven HTML Emails or our cost-effective Text Emails
· Each email is personalized with the recipient name, company and country in the main text--and the recipient name also in the subject box. 
· Each email can contain hyperlinks to your website or email address. 
· Your company is identified as the sender.  All responses go directly to your designated email address.
· No Charge for setup.  You pay only for the emails that we send.
· Price includes a list of the country, company and individual contacted.