2017 European Film Market starts on February 10 in Berlin
We get your important message to buyers in time for them to review your content online and show up at the meeting ready to sign.
Our continuously updated Database has over 12,100 current buyers of feature films--including over 1,000 pre-registered buyers for 2017 EFM Berlin.
All email addresses are verified since 1 September 2016.
Our Custom Email Services get your message to exactly those buyers that you need to reach!
Price.  $0.05 per email (rounded down to the nearest US$25).  US$300 minimum

Sample Prices.

Quantity US$ Buyers of feature films
4,790 $300 One buyer of feature films per company
5,962 $300 Buyers attending: EFM Berlin, Toronto, AFM, and/or Cannes
12,174 $450 All buyers of feature films (save 25%)

Price includes

*  Creation of template from your materials
*  Free resend seven days after first blast
*  List of country, company and individual
Four easy steps
Fill out a Free Estimate FormWe will provide the price right away.
You pay us, and provide the text and graphics.  We create the template and submit it for your OK.
We send the emails. We send you a confirmation, and give you a list of those contacted..
We resend the emails one week later