2016 RealScreen starts on January 31
Our continuously updated Database has over 12,800 current buyers of entertainment, childrens and non-fiction programs
Our Custom Email Services get your message to exactly those buyers that you need to reach!
All email addresses are verified each month!
Price.  $0.05 per email (rounded down to the nearest US$25).  US$300 minimum

Sample Prices.  All email addresses verified monthly.

Quantity US$ Buyers attending market events since 1 January 2013
4,082 $300 Lifestyles
6,180 $300 Reality
6,845 $350 Documentaries
10,020 $400 All buyers of non-fiction programs.  (20% discount)

Price includes

>  Creation of template from your materials
>  Free resend seven days after first blast
>  List of country, company and individual contacted
Custom Email Services
1 Fill out a Free Estimate Form.  We will provide the price right away.
2 Make payment and provide us with your text and graphics.  We will create the template and submit it for your OK.
3 We send the emails.  Then , we send you  a confirmation, plus a list of the country, company and individual contacted..
4 We resend the emails one week later