2016 Asia TV Forum starts on December 1 in Singapore
Our continuously updated Database has over 8,800 current buyers of Asian content
Our Custom Email Services get your message to exactly those buyers that you need to reach!
Our continuously updated Database has over 11,800 current buyers of feature films.
Price.  $0.05 per email (rounded down to the nearest US$25).  US$300 minimum

Sample Prices.  All email addresses verified since 12 Sept 2016.

Quantity US$ Buyers of Asian content
5,053 $300 Asian buyers
3,984 $300 Non-Asian buyers
8,871 $450 All buyers of Asian content

Price includes

*  Creation of template from your materials
*  Free resend seven days after first blast
*  List of country, company and individual
Want other options?  Please fill out a Free Estimate Form, and we will provide you with prices.
Four easy steps
Fill out a Free Estimate FormWe will provide the price right away.
You pay us, and provide the text and graphics.  We create the template and submit it for your OK.
We send the emails. We send you a confirmation, and give you a list of those contacted..
We resend the emails one week later