2014 Ventana Sur starts on December 2 in Buenos Aires

Our Custom Email Services got your message to exactly those buyers that you need to reach!

Our continuously updated Database contained over 8,800 buyers of feature films--all of which had attended at least one market event since 1 January 2010.

You can still fill out a Free Estimate Form, and we will provide you with prices right away for other market events or sales campaigns!

All email addresses verified every month!

Price. $275 plus US$0.05 per email (rounded to the nearest $25)

Any questions?  Need further information?  Contact Michael T. George

Sample HTML Email Prices

Quantity Total

Buyers attending Ventana Sur since 1 January 2010
> All buyers from Spain, Portugal and/or Latin America

1,890 $375 All Genre
1,137 $325 Entertainment and/or Childrens
1,812 $350 Entertainment and/or Features
1,140 $325 Entertainment and/or Non-Fiction

Price includes:
>   All transmission charges
>   A free resend of the same email template 7-10 days after the first blast
>   A list of the country, company and individual contacted