2014 International Documentary Film Festival
starts on November 19 in Amsterdam

Our Custom Email Services get your message to exactly those buyers that you need to reach!

Our continuously updated Database contains over 11,000 buyers of feature films and/or documentaries--all of which have attended at least one market event since 1 January 2011. 
All email addresses verified every month! 

Provide us with your text and graphics.  We will create a winning template at no additional charge.

Please fill out a Free Estimate Form, and we will provide you with prices right away!

Price:  US$275 plus US$0.05 per email. (rounded off to the nearest $25)

Any questions?  Need further information?  Contact Michael T. George

Sample HTML Email Prices  

Quantity Discount Total

Buyers attending market events since 1 January 2011

3,235 15% $360 Buyers of documentary feature films
4,916 20% $420 Buyers of documentaries
9,698 25% $560 Buyers of feature films
11,379 35% $640 Buyers of documentaries or  feature films

Price includes:
>   All transmission charges
>   A free resend of the same email template 7-10 days after the first blast
>   A list of the country, company and individual contacted